I'm just as passionate about my snow porn as the next rider and try to catch all the big new releases each season. Last year's stand out hit for me was NowHere by Absinthe films- if you haven't seen it it is definitely a must see as is their film Neverland. The year before That's It That's All was all the rage and certainly got hyped up and rewatched by me a million times over. The cinematography was stellar, soundtrack pumped you up and the riding pushed the limits as only a Travis Rice film can.
Although I am thoroughly impressed with the newest T. Rice masterpiece The Art of Flight, it seems to me that a lot of these films have become more about riding the most extreme, gnarliest places these highly sponsored riders can get to even at the price of style. Deeper (TGR Films) took this to an even further point: showing Jeremy Jones and Xavier De Le Rue clawing their way up steep ice just to barely hop turn down is no longer a snowboarding movie to me. These films are beginning to lack to aspect of attainability I need to see. I want to watch riders doing amazing tricks in really cool locations that make me say "I want to do that! It would be awesome to go there!"
The clip I've linked to brings it back to the basics while still keeping it really interesting- the production is stellar, the shots and angles stylized while not being overly artsy (unlike some films... Solitaire...) and most of all it's just really fun to watch! Take note snowboarders, this skier is doin' it right!
JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.) from Sherpas Cinema on Vimeo.
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